On top of the rock

On top of the rock
Our Cliff

Friday, January 8, 2010


Maurice and I have so many Libras in our world. Many of our Canadian family are Libras; Maurice is a Libra. Maurice’s daughter Jennifer, his brother Farbrizio, our grandson Noah and granddaughter Addison, are all Libras. Then there are our friends Edwina and Rocco. If you are a Libra you know your life is balanced by the scales of your Zodiac sign, and a life balanced by scales makes it very hard to make decisions and commitments. You weigh each decision you make, no matter how trivial. You put off commitments because any change may throw off your balance. (Which is why Maurice and I dated long distance for almost 9 years!) He is a Libra. Because Libras must have balanced scales they also do not like conflict and go out of their way to avoid disagreements...thus, sweet Maurice. I love Libras and their gentleness and their thoroughness. I love their analytical minds. Why? Because I am a Sagittarian. I love change. I love adventure and the unpredictability of life! I am totally spontaneous and do not think about consequences. I always say that together Maurice and I make one whole person. I yank him off his scales so he can move forward, and he pulls me out the sky so I do not float off into never never land.

Today is going to be day filled with decisions. We need to choose a hot water heater, a toilet, two 5000 liter pilas and one 3000 liter pila. We need a refrigerator, a stove, three ceiling fans, one bathroom light, a generator and batteries. These are just some of the things we need for our bodega. We have been at Home Depot and Costco three times since I have been here. Looking. Vacillating. Never buying anything. PLEASE, I would say. We need this stuff lets just buy it! “No, I need to think“, he would say.

Well today is the day. We are off to buy EVERYTHING we need. We will get it all and have one delivery done. For $140 delivery charge it is smart to do it all at once.

I am teasing Maurice because he is moping around. I can see him in Home Depot already! “Can’t we wait??” “NO! We are moving in there in just over a week. Procrastination is no longer an option.” So as he mopes around, sadly dreading making the final commitments of the purchases while I am dancing around, laughing! I CAN NOT WAIT!!! We get to buy the things that now will make our bodega home! I love spending money! This will be a ball.

12 hours later

We are done. My word what a day! We picked up our internet stick this morning. FINALLLY!! That will make our life so much easier. Next we stopped at the land to meet the boss of the crew who is coming there tomorrow. Well hopefully they are coming, you never really know around here. Then we drove the hour to Cabo San Lucas. First stop Home Depot.

We arrived there at 11:30 and walked out at 2:44. Honest! No lunch. No wasting time. We were shocked. I actually think Maurice even enjoyed himself in this huge testosterone playground. The best part was the guy who wrote up our order gave us a contractor discount and we saved about $700 on the pilas alone! It was great...and no delivery charge. We never even had to ask!! All this saving money stuff quickly tilted Maurice scales back to even! He was smiling!! We hit Costco and a few other places, but we will still need to go back to LaPaz for a few more things that we could not get in Cabo. We got back at 7:30 tonight!!

Tomorrow back to the painting. I have two more days and I will be done! Hopefully the guys are coming to start putting the concrete blocks inside Senor Backhoe Retro’s hole and Maurice will be there with tool in hand. AND we just got word the ship carrying our 40 foot container is docking in Vera Cruz Mexico tomorrow. Cross your fingers we clear customs and they send our stuff on its 5 days trip across Mexico...We have a bodega to move into!!

It’s 9:30 now so I will say buenas noches. Shopping is exhausting!!

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