On top of the rock

On top of the rock
Our Cliff

Monday, March 1, 2010

The passing of the buck

Here are a series of e-mails from this morning...with the exception of the first one we sent. Everyone who had anything to do with our move, including our insurance guy, is copied on all these.....here we go!!

Juan and Alejandro,

The three guys arrived this morning to deliver our things. Already in the first 5 items unloaded there was damage to our goods. The men here that you sent will tell you how bad it was. A tear in our couch, a rip in a sofa we just purchased. Pieces of wood gouged out of antiques. Two of my antique lamps are actually broken right off the pole they sit on. There is a large hole poked through our cooler, broken mirrors, things marked FRAGILE that are smashed down under heavy pieces of furniture.....I could go on and on. The damage here in shocking. Obviously who ever packed this truck did so with little care. I do not even know where to begin to deal with this terrible mess we waited 3 months to receive. Do you not have some responsibility to us to take care of our goods?? Also, the item listed as buggy #418, for Maurice's truck is gone. I am not sure what else is missing, since they have just finished unloading. It will take me days to go through the boxes and figure out all the things that are broken inside. I can hear the broken items rattling inside. What do we do now? Do you compensate us for all this?

The three men you sent were very good! Who was responsible for throwing all our things into the truck that brought them here??

Maurice and Shelby Branzanti

Mr. Branzanti,

Thank you very much for your email, and for the information you give us abut the arriving of your personal effects. Let me tell you your belongings arrived damaged to the custom since the beginning so the bad packing service was made since origin, they are the ones you need to speak about a compensation as there is no a insurance with Crown for this service.

I'm really sorry to hear about the damages but that's how things are and i can't do anything else to help you. If you have any question please let me know.

Lic. Alejandro Diaz
Move Manager.
Crown Worldwide S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)

Alejandro. I will let Dimitri and Hercules, who are copied on this e-mail respond to you about this whole thing being their fault. They are the company of origin. We are disappointed in Crown, and your response. We hired you to represent us, here in Mexico. You dismissing us in this manner is unacceptable.
Maurice Branzanti


Please note that the origin packing was professionally done, audited and inventoried prior to loading the container with documentation and onsite surveying by the shippers to verify. This is a defamation of character against our company and will not be tolerated do to the mishandling of the cargo at destination. In addition I want a full explanation why the cargo was not delivered in the original 40’ container, who unloaded & loaded the cargo and the dock receipts confirming piece counts. As the time line indicates this cargo was handled multiple times and it is unethical and unprofessional to make the origin freight forwarder responsible for the cargo’s condition.

I believe an apology is in hand and we should all work professionally together to resolve Mr Branzati’s issues.

Best Regards,

Dimitri Donas
World Class Transport & Logistics


Thanks for your mail, but as you know your office sent a container with a big number of tools without our approval, so please don't tell me your office made a professional service. The container wasn't delivered directly in the final destination because of the bad handling of your office sending a big number of tools as HHG's, we have to handle this service in another way, we didn't handle the cargo multiple times, they arrived to our warehouse and in the way they arrived is the way we load it to our truck to make the delivery.

And as i said, this service wasn't insured with Crown so we don't have to make any compensation to Mr. Branzanti.

Lic. Alejandro Diaz
Move Manager.
Crown Worldwide S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)


You should do your homework before responding as our records indicate your office was aware of the tools prior to the vessel sailing. Your email does not answer my questions concerning dock receipts and why you did not inform us of the condition of the cargo when received at your terminal? In addition, as I stated in my prior email the shippers were onsite when we packed, wrapped and loaded the container all in good condition.

PS. Just to clarify your email below you are stating that the loading of the tools caused the balance of the cargo to arrive in poor condition?

Best Regards,

Dimitri Donas
World Class Transport & Logistics


Dimitri is correct about your company knowing of my tools. I had several conversations with Isabel before we even loaded the container about the best way to make sure there were no problems with my tools. They were not listed under house goods, or the Maneje de casa. They were on a separate list that was sent to your company, via e-mail, before their departure from Canada. We also sent to your company, by registered mail, the original lists of both the maneje de casa and the tool lists.

We, too, are awaiting the answers to Dimitri's questions. Whoever placed our possessions inside the smaller truck that was delivered to us did so with no regard for our things. Boxes of glassware were placed beneath large pieces of furniture. Many items were thrown in the truck. There was no placement of these goods, just shoved into place. Isn't Crown a professional moving company?

We also want to know where the rest of our things are. We requested copies of the photos of the things customs took. As we said, there were three things they kept. This should be on record. We paid you an additional $3,274 for what??

Maurice Branzanti


  1. Hi Shelby, OMG, what an ordeal! Very glad to hear you've received your belongings, very sad though to hear the state you've received them in. Best of luck, I hope things work out in the end. Best wishes, looking forward to seeing you in April. - Sean

  2. This is a nightmare! I feel for you guys!

  3. Thanks you guys! We will be fine, now that the shock is wearing off some!!! It will work out and we may even laugh about it over a cocktail in April!! XO
