On top of the rock

On top of the rock
Our Cliff

Monday, May 17, 2010

Almost done

It will be two weeks tomorrow since I arrived in Toronto. Our reason for coming was, of course the wedding. It was held this past Friday and it was beautiful! Vanessa and Jay seemed so very happy.

The ceremony was precious! Addison, their 19 month old daughter cried for her parents so Jay held her in his arms throughout the entire ceremony, changing arms only to put the ring on Vanessa It was adorable!

The dinner was great and the reception was a blast! Everyone partied and danced until they threw us out at 2am! Certainly a memorable day for all. Maurice’s speech was heartfelt and Vanessa’s made me cry. All was good!

Now Maurice is gone and I am on my own for the next two weeks. He arrived back in the Baja last night and picked up Retro today. Of course he excitely peed all the way to his master....I mean Retro peed, not Maurice!!

While Maurice was in Canada they finished the block work for the pool, cemented over the blocks on the main house and began the rock façade on the casitas. Maurice was happy with what was done while he was away. We hired one of the workers to stay there for Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights, as this is when the normal “vigilantes” go home for the week. Arriving back on a Sunday Maurice found the worker there, with his wife and baby sleeping inside his workshop. He knew the worker would be there, but not his family. I guess this place was better than what they have at home, which is so sad. Maurice was thrilled with them, saying the palms were well watered and everything was so clean and nice. I hope that one day we may be able to share the inside of the bodega with them.

Tomorrow I will go to Jen and Chris’ house to spend 24 hours with them and watch Noah and Eden, as well as Addison. Vanessa and Jay left her with them while they went on their honeymoon to the Dominican Republic. That will be my final visit with the family. My last three days in Canada will be spent with Susana, our newly anointed, and long overdue, YaYa - as well as the rest of the YaYa’s on Jack Lake...then I drive to Wisconsin.

For now I will say to all of you here that I have been lucky enough to spend some time with, "Thank You"! Thank you for caring about our adventure. Thank you for asking the right questions and listening to the answers. Thank you for opening up your hearts to us and in many cases your homes! Over and over again I realize how blessed we are and I will never take that for granted.

For those of you who pretend to like us so you can come visit us and stay for free, that is O.K. We really do not know the difference and are grateful that anyone likes us at all!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Shelby
    Had the pleasure to play a round of golf with elder statesmen Tom Harkness, John Perras and Jim Ashbridge yesterday. When I asked how you were Tom shared this blog link with me so I could ask you myself. I see you two have really put some roots down already. Spectacular looking site. John tells me you are just a bit away from the "hotel california" and that seems oh so appropriate.
    We, Liz and I are sneaking up on retirement as well. long overdue some say but when you are as nosy as I am it's hard to cut the cord. 55 sounds so much more sensible than 69 or 70. we are interviewing now at Maaco for replacements so the process is underway. we sld our cottage last year but have bought a prefab and plunked it on the same lake near the sandbanks provincial park. That is the easier part. Now comes the search for a condo (entering it's 2nd year)so we can lock the door and travel a bunch more. Liz had back surgery last year and a rotator cuff this January. she's back at it and fully functional thank goodness.
    Well Shelby that's my feable attempt at a catch up of sorts. Just know we wish you all the best in your venture and your enjoyment of life as always.
